Throw out the razors and stop the waxing!

Our certified experts are dedicated to delivering unparalleled excellence in laser hair removal treatments for men. From individual parts of the face to various sections of upper and lower body, we provide the appropriate permanent hair removal solution.

Designed to be safe and effective for all skin types, including light and dark skins, the Candela® GentleMax Pro offers unmatched treatment capabilities in permanent hair reduction.

The machine directs concentrated infrared laser slowly to target the hair follicle at the root. The laser inhibits the hair’s ability to grow without damaging the skin surface, thanks to Candela® GentleMax Pro patented cryogen cooling system.

With each session, hair is significantly reduced. For maximum results, we recommend 8 to 12 sessions – spaced 5 weeks apart.


A. Shave

Shave the treatment area the night before your appointment.

B .No Wax

Do not wax in the 4 weeks leading up to your appointment.

C. Avoid Tanning

Avoid exposing the treated areas to direct sunlight and sunbeds for at least 2 weeks prior to your treatment.

Treatment Areas

a. Full Face beard sculpting, chin, sideburns, nose, ears, neck, and midbrow.

b.Full Upper Body back, chest, shoulders, stomach, underarms, arms, hands, and fingers.

c.Full Lower Body male Brazilian, legs, knees and buttocks.
